How to Be a Wise Consumer 如何做个聪明的消费者

2015-03-04   手机访问




1. 买食品前检查生产日期,查看是否过期;

2. 识别食品是否新鲜或变质;

3. 购物以后索取并保管好发票;

4. 发现问题食品以后,拨打12315或向当地消费者协会寻求帮助。


1. 词数:80词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 应覆盖所有要点:可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:date日期;overdue过期的;go bad变质;invoice发票;Consumer Association消费者协会。

Since the CCTV program exposed the wrongdoings by a McDonald’s restaurant in Beijing, the safety of food has become a hot topic. What shall we do to fight for our rights and interests?___________________



Since the CCTV program exposed the wrongdoings by a McDonald’s restaurant in Beijing, the safety of food has become a hot topic. What shall we do to fight for our rights and interests?

First, before buying food, we need to check the date and see whether it is overdue. Then we should study carefully what we buy and decide if it is fresh or it goes bad. After we pay for the food, we should get the invoice and take good care of it. Last but not the least, if we find there’s a problem with the food, call 12315 or go to local Consumer Association for help.

Food safety is of great importance in our daily life. In my opinion, the government should take action to punish the producers and companies that went against consumers’ rights. On the other hand, we should learn to be wise consumers.








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