I Love My Family 我爱我家

2015-01-18   手机访问

I was born in an ordinary family, but it is very warm. My father is a clerk in a company. And my mother is a housewife. Every weekday morning my father will go to work and goes back in the late afternoon. And my mother will get up early to cook for us and then pick me up to school. Then sometimes she will do some cleaning and sometimes she will do something she likes. She will pick me up after school and then cook the dinner. After dinner, my parents will teach me to finish my homework and then we will watch TV together. At weekend, usually we will go out for family activity. I love my family.






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    Belief 信仰

    Belief, a creation of humans wisdom, always plays an important role in humans society. As a sayin...
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    Belief 信仰

    Belief, a creation of humans wisdom, always plays an important role in humans society. As a sayin...
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    Belief 信仰

    Belief, a creation of humans wisdom, always plays an important role in humans society. As a sayin...
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  • Belief 信仰

    Belief 信仰

    Belief, a creation of humans wisdom, always plays an important role in humans society. As a sayin...
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  • Belief 信仰

    Belief 信仰

    Belief, a creation of humans wisdom, always plays an important role in humans society. As a sayin...
    2014-07-20 6676阅读
